Showing posts with label Magick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magick. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Bune(Goetia) strikes again!

Well, here's something I don't usually ask for: a refund.
Hahaha now seriously, I needed a refund so badly because I purchased something quite expensive that just wasn't working as expected and advertised, and suddenly I ran into some problems with Paypal, then my money got stuck there. I couldn't cashout nor get paid through them anymore.
So yeah, I asked for a refund and nothing happened. I went to Bune, told him all about it, made him an offering.

All very simple: Lit a white candle, put his seal on the altar, repeated his enn a few times, then called his name. His presence was very clear and recognizable, so I thanked him for his presence and all he's done to me and every other human being, and said what I had to say, offered what I had to offer. Gave him license to depart.

Then I decided to email the company and told them they had 24 hours to refund me. Just that, didn't say anything else. Then someone replied in a very unprofessional way. I then replied back: Now you got 8 hours.
It didn't take another 2 hours for them to refund me. I'm sure as hell it would take me months to get a refund if they wanted to go to court.

So here it is. Bune is also great in these situations where someone isn't paying you what they owe you, or you need a refund.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

After a while, a new experience with Astaroth(Goetia)

I haven't been practicing a lot of magick these last few months, and definitely not Goetia. I can tell you I've experimented with some rituals, got some results, but since I almost never do any evocation to physical appearance or anything like that and my rituals are almost always the simplest they can be, it won't be interesting for you to read. But this one was quite something.
I've been struggling with anxiety a little bit lately, and this is one of the reasons I was trying to avoid this kind of ritual, but lately I had a few unexpected expenses and I'll have some more expenses to deal with very soon, so this just couldn't wait any longer.
I had something to sell(and still have) that would pretty much solve most of these problems, so I tried a ritual from Damon Brand's Magickal Riches that had worked for me incredibly fast and brought me a great deal on another occasion, but this time it just didn't work. I'm quite sure it's because it required an emotional alchemy that I wasn't able to accomplish at the time of the ritual since I've been so anxious and worried. Then I tried another entity from the Lesser Key. I'm not sure what went wrong since the ritual went well, but I didn't get any results. Next I tried yet another goetic work, but I barely felt a presence, so I just waited for the results and nothing happened. At this point I knew I needed Astaroth's help, but I was even embarrassed to call on her and say 'hey, nothing else worked so I'm asking you for help'.
For this I decided to go with nothing but the seal, words, feelings, and will. I didn't even raised energy, I just meditated on her seal and in a minute or so I was felling ready to proceed. I called Astaroth and in the moment I said her name the room started to fill with energy, so I thanked her for her presence and for all the help she provided me and others with. Next I talked a little bit and made clear I was aware that I should have done this earlier. She gave me a feeling of comfort and empathy like I had on my first contact with her. It makes me feel glad I'm doing what I'm doing.
I was going to do a sale on my online store(I sell some digital products that I create) and I knew what results to expect, so I asked Astaroth for a sum of money that was twice what I expected to earn from it.
So I emailed my customers and set some ads, a day went by and nothing. Another day... not a single person had used the discount code I was giving away. On the third day I thought I had failed or offended Astaroth and would get no results at all again. Then one sale was made through one of the ads I set up, but the price was wrong and the guy ended up getting a price twice as high as I was offering. Turns out I was offering a nice discount, but when people got there they would see a much higher price and leave the shop thinking I was trying to trick them while I had actually made a mistake. I fixed it, sent an email to my customers apologizing for my mistake, and what happened next is: the sales started and went so fast that about four hours latter I had the sum I asked for. When it reached the exact amount I asked, it just stopped. I didn't ask for more because I felt like it would be too much of a stretch and it would devalue my products, but now I'm sure I could have asked for more.

Something I notice is that Astaroth, even though I usually ask for financial help, almost always teaches me something new about and/or expresses empathy. The way I get answers from her during the rituals is via strong emotional responses. I know most practitioners think this is bullshit, but that's how it works for me.

As for the offer I made in exchange, this post is part of it. I also light a cigarette dedicated to her and let it burn till the end every day for seven days. At first I thought it was a shitty offer to make, but since I smoke and actually enjoy smoking I thought maybe she'd like it too. Venus, pleasure, empathy...

Now I have a new product to release and an item I'm still selling. If I sell the item it will be more than enough to pay for the expenses I'm expecting. I'm not gonna ask Astaroth to help me with all of this since I don't want to bother her too much, maybe just with the new product since it's related to arts and she's a Venusian entity.

Monday, November 21, 2016

A different experience with Astaroth(Goetia)

This will be a short post just to tell you about something quite unexpected that happened to me recently.
I had a request in mind for Astaroth but I don't feel like giving her the same offering again and again, so I asked her to show me what she desired as an offering. The next day, I was outside late afternoon smoking a cigarette and there were mosquitoes annoying me, that's when a thought came to me and I felt empathy for them, I realized a lot of things about our lack of empathy in general, and I understood what should be my offering.
Later when I summoned Astaroth I asked for a confirmation that this was the right offering and she confirmed it. Things went on and my request was fulfilled again.

So, this was a great experience because it brought another side of Astaroth's personality to light. It makes me admire her even more. Asking the spirits what they desire usually brings great results and they might surprise you in good ways.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

An experience with Bune(Goetia)

First let me start by telling you: a few years ago I had been only meditating and chanting mantras for several months, having left all other magickal practices aside. I had never really had success with entities of the Goetia and hadn't really tried with the right mindset. I thought it wouldn't be good to me to make a deal with an entity, a demon, no matter what. Common sense tells you that demons are bad and they are always looking for ways to fuck with your life and take you away from your path. I don't see it this way anymore and now I know that the Lesser Key of Solomon is not just a collection of a bunch of demons available to do your biding. Some are not demons at all and some may be, but that whole idea goes against my actual experience nowadays. Bune started all that.
I did a simple rite from Jason Miller's The Sorceror's Secrets and was provided with the least expected solution to the financial crisis I was going through at the time. Bune made it easy for me to get up and get out of the problems I was having. After that success I still had to work hard and he helped me through the process. I was inundated with business ideas and good coincidences happened all the time. When a situation seemed to have gone wrong, I'd later be presented with a better option. In a matter of months I was able to look for ways to improve my financial life instead of only struggling to pay my bills.
I am really thankful to Bune for helping me so greatly and opening my mind.

About two months ago I had a specific income I wanted to earn that month in mind. I did the Middle Pillar Ritual, the Qabalistic Cross, and Banishing as I describe on the post Empowering Your Rituals, meditated a little on his Seal (the one on this page), and called him. When I felt he was there I thanked him, told him what I desired and what I'd give him in return (being this post part of my offering).
Again, he came through and increased my sales and my creativity, reminded me of spells and rituals I'd forgotten, and I got quite a few unexpected discounts.
I don't work with Bune that often, but every time I do I sow the benefits of it for months after my request was already fulfilled.

I don't remember having heard or read about Bune being unfriendly or unwilling to help, and that's a plus if you're going to try your first invocation or evocation.
If you're looking for books to learn more and try your first ritual with Bune, most of the books I've already recommended on this blog will be good to introduce you. And research, read other people's experiences.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and have success on all your endeavors.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Empowering Your Rituals

Magickal Principles

I consider activating the energies within me before performing most of my rituals essential. Most of the authors that I've been recommending in this blog usually will tell you you don't need to, and that's true, but in practice my rituals always work better when I do something to activate and strengthen energy.
Since I was really young I've been practicing energy manipulation and nowadays I like to toy with it from time to time. I learned to pay close attention to it while not trying to consciously control it, but observing it perform my will. Like with your hands, you don't consciously will it to move, but you know it will when you want it to. And like you won't be able to play guitar unless you took the time to learn it, you won't be able to move objects with your energy unless you practice. But that's not what I want to talk about today.

Before any magickal practice I will raise awareness of my energy, toy with if somehow, or do whatever I want, but I always expand it just a little and create some sort of movement.
After that a may choose to follow none, or all of the following steps in the order I feel like:
  • I remember how it's such a privilege to have acquired the knowledge of all this and to be able to access such powerful forces and use it to benefit me and my loved ones and feel happy to perform the ritual I'm going to, then do a prayer to a chosen deity.
  • I use the 24th God name from Zanna Blaise's The 72 sigils of Power. She calls it Chaho and, in this case, it's meant to connect me with magick and allow me to create a new reality. Her method of chanting the name while scanning the letters is nice, but I mix it with Baal Kadmon's method in The 72 Names of God, which involves more visualizations. His use for the same names are mostly different from Zanna's, but I resonate with her's more. This process puts me in a desired state of mind. You might want to research more about names of god since there's so much about it on books and online.
  • Next I do a Middle Pillar Ritual and the Circulation Ritual from New Avatar Power. It's great to keep your energy in movement. Practicing it will give you great control over your energy over time. If you're more into the oriental practices, you could use some sort of chakric activation and still do some kind of circulation ritual after that.
  • The Qabalistic Cross is almost always included in my rituals. Donald Michael Kraig has a great blog post explaining it in detail. When you read it you will understand why I like it soo much.
  • Banishing. It's been years since I last did the LBRP, I do the one from Damon's Magickal Protection. It's really to the point and effective. In the few occasions where I felt I needed a banishing during or after a ritual this worked wonders.
  • If you know planetary the references to what you're doing or the entities you're working with and can work on the correct moon cycles, do it. You will notice the difference in the energy and, most importantly, in the results. Not caring for it won't usually screw up your ritual, but won't add anything to it. Even when you're just meditating or doing creative visualization, it will help. Anytime you're working with energy it's a good idea to take these things into consideration.
    There's this site to calculate planetary hours according to your location. If you want to delve into planetary magick, I highly recommend David Rankine and Sorita d'Este's Practical Planetary Magick and Melita Denning and Osborne Philips' Planetary Magick. I consult these two a lot.
When I start the ritual itself, I'm already in an altered state of consciousness and have my astral senses open and active. It's good to add a more emotional, and a meditative and relaxing step to your ritual.

I hope you find this post useful and apply some or all of it to your practices.

Another Experience With Astaroth(Goetia)

I'm posting this working with Astaroth because it was unique in a way and I want to point to something that should be taken more seriously - at least I should.

For two consecutive days I just activated my energy by moving it and becoming aware of it - it's something I always do in a minute or less -, meditated on Astaroth's seal for just a few minutes until I felt that contact was made, and followed with an invocation, request, and license to depart. I always follow my intuition and talk to the daemons like I would talk to Don Vito Corleone if I had to ask him something. Really respectfully, but I don't follow a script. I let my need or desire show and that has been working. When I can't feel the desire for what I'm asking, even though it's there, I tell them. And nothing went actually wrong this time either. I'm trying not to get into personal matters here, so I'll use a metaphor: Imagine that you asked for a pack of cigarettes after you finish the one you have, and for some reason - I know it makes no sense - you smoked only 90% of your last cigarette, put it's remains back in the pack, stored it and forgot about it.You didn't finish it, Astaroth could wait forever. I did something similar and, even though I knew she had agreed to fulfill my request, it seemed like she wasn't going to as days gone by and there was not much movement towards my goal, even though I'd been working on it to the best of my ability. When I was really close to actually needing what I asked for, I still didn't feel or notice her help on that matter at all, and then I just called her again and told her how I felt about it - at that moment I was very disappointed. Later that day I noticed that I was making a huge mistake and that it was my fault because I didn't take care with my wording on that request. I deeply and sincerely apologised for my mistake and thanked her for making me see it instead of kicking my ass, and it didn't take much until I had what I asked for and even some surprisingly good luck on the following day.

Now, I understand that I can't make the same mistake again, at least not with her, and I believe that she was nice to me because she is really good natured and I've developed a good relationship with her. If it happened with another entity it might have gone terribly wrong. I trust Astaroth and I like to write about her, and I'm glad that once  again she was reliable and kind to me. 

I will copy my book recommendations from another post here for if you feel inclined to start doing this kind of extremely simple but effective invocations. Notice that even though I get no visual manifestations of any kind - and don't expect to when working this way - the daemons communicate with me in ways that I can fully understand and to me it feels more natural. I get the results that I expect without using a lot of tools nor doing lengthy rituals. I'm not saying it's best, it just suits me.

I can personally recommend: Hidden Secrets - There are dozens of spells and rituals here, and they work, as well as a little section on Goetia that reminds you of the importance of being respectful and puts away a lot of that superstition that will only draw you back;

New Goetian Power Chants - If you know The Miracle of The New Avatar Power, you're already familiarized with the system contained in this book. It's simple and effective;

Goetian Pyramid Power - Another interesting and effective system to make contact with these great Daemons.

I own quite a few books by Carl Nagel and these are the ones I own and recommend when it comes to the Ars Goetia, but he has quite a few other titles on this subject.

Another great resource is Rufus Opus' A Modern Goetic Grimoire, but I don't know where you can get it nowadays, so I'm linking to his blog and there you can find a way to contact him if you really want it.

Before you do anything, research as much as you can. Google is your friend. Forums like Studio Arcanis and BALG are great for this. Remember: When you're researching about a daemon you intend to work with, you're already familiarizing yourself with it, thus you're more likely to be successful. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you have anything to add or any questions, please leave a comment.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

First experience with Marbas(Goetia)

I recently decided I'd summon the Great President Marbas to help me with a health issue that I've discovered a few years ago. He's said to be able to cause and cure diseases, change men into 'other shapes', teach mechanical arts, and answer questions on hidden things.
It happens that, to be fully healed, I'd have to go through seven months of treatment with a quite aggressive drug - even though my doctor have claimed it to be harmful to our health only when the dosage is wrong, I don't completely trust what doctors say these days, nor their abilities - that could damage my liver and kidneys and many dietary restrictions, which is awful.
As I had been thinking about doing this for quite some time and randomly read about Marbas over the course of two or three months, I didn't really researched about him. I spent a few minutes meditating on his seal for two days, asking him to reveal what would be a good offer to him and a good way to communicate with him. On the third day I did a Middle Pilar Ritual followed by the Qabalistic Cross and a *banishing before I actually meditated on the seal and asked again the same things.
I felt a strong and dense energy in the room. The energy wasn't static, it moved like in waves. It was in physical contact with me and at a certain time I felt like he was touching the back of my neck. I then heard in my mind that I should draw the seal by hand, which I did soon after this.
When I woke up the next morning the first though that came to my mind was to ask Marbas to concentrate that dense energy on one of my hands as a way to answer yes or no questions (right for yes, left for no) - as I'd never have thought of doing something like this, I knew it was his answer.
At night I invoked him using the hand drawn seal. Now the energy was calmer and less dense, but still remarkable and intense. I don't really remember what I asked him, but it wasn't much. I remember asking him if I could call him again when I had formulated good questions to ask him, if my offer was good enough for what I'm asking, and if I should keep the seal with me until I'm fully healed. He allowed me to call him again, the offer was enough and the seal could be thrown away. Before I ended the ritual, I heard in my mind that I should also share this working and results even before I had actual success, which I agreed upon.
I've already seem a slight improvement in my condition and I have the feeling that once I finish this post the real results of this working will start to manifest.

After this experience, I remembered reading an evocation narrative where the conjurer talks about Marbas' sense of humor. It seems that, even though he could communicate with me through my mind, he wanted to play a game (the energy thing). Later I found more stories about Marbas having a great sense of humor.

*I always use the banishing contained on Damon brand's Magickal Protection since it's pretty simple and effective.

You can learn how to summon Marbas and pretty much any daemon through these books:

New Goetian Power Chants - If you know The Miracle of The New Avatar Power, you're already familiarized with the system contained in this book. It's simple and effective;

Goetian Pyramid Power - Another interesting and effective system to make contact with these great Daemons.

He also has a book on Marbas specifically, which I don't own and have never read, but his stuff always works for me, so I recommend it anyway. It's called The Healing Rite of Marbas.

I'd also recommend Rufus Opus' A Modern Goetic Grimoire, but I don't know where you can get it nowadays, so I'm linking to his blog and there you can find a way to contact him if you really want it.

I hope you enjoyed reading. If you have anything to add or any questions, please leave a comment.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

First workings with Astaroth(Goetia)

My first experience with Astaroth happened quite recently. It was an amazing experience and she delivered more than I asked every time.
I didn't know much about Astaroth or her powers, until one day I found a really simple invocation in Carl Nagel's Hidden Secrets (he says she's his first choice when he needs money). It's more like a prayer than a ritual. So I researched a little and found out that the name Astaroth is derived from Astarte, a Phoenician goddess equivalent to the Babylonian Ishtar. After a few days I was already felling kind of connected and it felt like the right time so I did it.
I did the Qabalistic Cross as it makes me feel one with the divine, had Astaroth's seal on the table and in a very respectful way I called her and thanked her like the book instructs.
The room got a little colder, but comfortably colder and I could feel the energy. It was very good and friendly. Then I told her that I didn't really know what to expect and that was when the spirit's presence made me feel great and put a smile on my face. I felt truly thankful for her presence. I can't really describe what I felt, but I can tell you it was a great experience. I never had any experience like this before.
I asked for a sum of money (not too large) that I needed pretty quickly and I knew I woldn't be able to get it in time. In about 36 hours later I had almost twice the amount I asked for.
Since then I've worked with Astaroth a few more times and it's been great. Sometimes I'll get an unusual idea and money comes trough it, other times customers just seem to buy more than usual, but my income always increases in a way that I don't even think could be coincidence.

For me, it has been really important to follow my intuition after the rituals and act on it.

After my first experience with Astaroth my long gone interest in Goetia came back stronger than ever. Since then I checked out more of Carl Nagel's Books, since I like the way he writes and his methods, and there are quite a few on this subject.

I can personally recommend:
Hidden Secrets - There are dozens of spells and rituals here, and they work, as well as a little section on Goetia that reminds you of the importance of being respectful and puts away a lot of that superstition that will only draw you back;

New Goetian Power Chants - If you know The Miracle of The New Avatar Power, you're already familiarized with the system contained in this book. It's simple and effective;

Goetian Pyramid Power - Another interesting and effective system to make contact with these great Daemons.

I own quite a few books by Carl Nagel and these are the ones I own and recommend when it comes to Goetia, but he has quite a few other titles on this subject.

Another great resource is Rufus Opus' A Modern Goetic Grimoire, but I don't know where you can get it nowadays, so I'm linking to his blog and there you can find a way to contact him if you really want it.

Before you do anything, research as much as you can. Google is your friend. Forums like Studio Arcanis are great for this. Remember: When you're researching about a spirit you intent to work with, you're already familiarizing yourself with it, thus you're more likely to be successful.

I hope you enjoyed reading. If you have anything to add or any questions, please leave a comment.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Introduction And Some Magickal Principles


You probably heard this principle before, at least some variation of it. This is the basis of real magick. I can’t believe how many people neglect it and that’s why I decided to create this blog. If you can’t direct your energy your spells won’t work, your talismans won’t work, your sigils won’t work, your invocations and evocations won’t work, your rituals won’t work, your magick will not work. On the other side, if you have the ability to focus your energy properly you will be a powerful magician/sorcerer/witch/healer/shaman/wizard/whatever, no matter what method you choose. Actually, you’ll need no method, you'll be doing real magick.
Before you can control and change the things around you, you must be able to control and change yourself. Everything you perceive is actually you.

- THEN HOW THE F*** DO I FOCUS MY F***IN’ ENERGY?! – You desperately scream.

- Would you learn to reign over yourself and others? Learn how to will. How can one learn to will? This is the first arcanum of magical initiation. - Speaks Eliphas Lévi.

- Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will. - Whispers Crowley in your left ear.

- Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. It is because men do not perfectly imagine and believe the result, that the (occult) arts are so uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain. – Compliments perfectly Paracelsus.

Let me try to simplify it even more for you: All you need is IMAGINATION, WILL, AND BELIEF.
Let’s create a simple situation here:
You have a dart in your hand and you want to hit the target in front of you.
You aim at the target, calculate the strength you need to reach it, and shoot, right? Right!
Now imagine that when you threw the dart there was a strong wind. You’d have to calculate the wind speed and all that stuff that requires some experience, you’d make a terrible shot, or you’d be extremely lucky and hit the center of the target.

The wind is your disbelief;
Your aim at the target is your imagination;
The strength is your will.

On the next posts I’ll talk about how to develop these primordial qualities and give you some exercises.