Showing posts with label Principles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Principles. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Introduction And Some Magickal Principles


You probably heard this principle before, at least some variation of it. This is the basis of real magick. I can’t believe how many people neglect it and that’s why I decided to create this blog. If you can’t direct your energy your spells won’t work, your talismans won’t work, your sigils won’t work, your invocations and evocations won’t work, your rituals won’t work, your magick will not work. On the other side, if you have the ability to focus your energy properly you will be a powerful magician/sorcerer/witch/healer/shaman/wizard/whatever, no matter what method you choose. Actually, you’ll need no method, you'll be doing real magick.
Before you can control and change the things around you, you must be able to control and change yourself. Everything you perceive is actually you.

- THEN HOW THE F*** DO I FOCUS MY F***IN’ ENERGY?! – You desperately scream.

- Would you learn to reign over yourself and others? Learn how to will. How can one learn to will? This is the first arcanum of magical initiation. - Speaks Eliphas Lévi.

- Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will. - Whispers Crowley in your left ear.

- Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. It is because men do not perfectly imagine and believe the result, that the (occult) arts are so uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain. – Compliments perfectly Paracelsus.

Let me try to simplify it even more for you: All you need is IMAGINATION, WILL, AND BELIEF.
Let’s create a simple situation here:
You have a dart in your hand and you want to hit the target in front of you.
You aim at the target, calculate the strength you need to reach it, and shoot, right? Right!
Now imagine that when you threw the dart there was a strong wind. You’d have to calculate the wind speed and all that stuff that requires some experience, you’d make a terrible shot, or you’d be extremely lucky and hit the center of the target.

The wind is your disbelief;
Your aim at the target is your imagination;
The strength is your will.

On the next posts I’ll talk about how to develop these primordial qualities and give you some exercises.